Giving your baby a bath

You'll want to sponge-bathe your baby until his circumcision and umbilical cord stump have healed (usually a week to 10 days). Most parents prefer sponge baths during this time because it is easier to hold the baby without worrying about slippery bathwater. 

Holding the baby's head, use a fresh cotton ball or square moistened with water for each eye. Wipe gently from the inside corner of the eye out. 

Be careful with the soft spot on his head, but don't be afraid to touch it. 

Using a soft washcloth and plain water, gently wipe your baby's entire face. Pay special attention to behind the ears and creases in the neck. Gently pat dry with a soft towel. 
To clean nostrils, use a fresh cotton swab moistened with water to gently wipe just inside each nostril. Be careful not to push the swab or let water drip into his nose. 

To clean ears, use a damp washcloth or cotton swab and clean the outer ear. Use a swab designed to help prevent entry too deep in your baby's ear (such as JOHNSON'S® Safety Swabs). 
Unwrap and remove the diaper. Wet and lather your hand or washcloth and wash the rest of your baby's body, washing the diaper area last. 

To clean the genital area, always wipe from front to back to keep bacteria from the bowel from spreading to the genital area. Rinse and gently pat baby dry. Apply lotions or creams from front to back, too. 

Moving up to the big tub: 
When your baby is about 2 to 8 weeks old, he's probably ready for a small tub. A baby tub can sit in the kitchen sink or in the big tub, whichever is easier for you. When your baby is able to hold his head up and keep his back straight, he can move up to the grown-up tub. Be sure to put a non-slip mat on the bottom. You may also want to use a plastic bath seat. While this will give you an extra hand, it's not a substitute for keeping your eye on your baby at all times. 

At first your baby may feel overwhelmed by the size of the bathtub. The sound and sensation of running bathwater may be disconcerting, so fill the tub before putting him in - just a couple of inches is all you'll need to do the job and let your baby splash without feeling scared.